De Buffer

De Buffer

De Buffer in Hoedekenskerke is our most popular destination. This building is located in the Pluimweide Park, which is right next to the station.

In De Buffer, you will find our self-service restaurant, where we serve coffee, soft drinks, a variety of beers, ice cream, French fries, pancakes and sandwiches. The building has plenty of seating, including old-fashioned train benches! Weather permitting, you can of course sit outside on the terrace.

Our model railways can also be found here, on which all kinds of model trains run their rounds tirelessly. In the back of De Buffer, we showcase the beautiful traditional costume exhibition of traditional costume group ‘Mooi Zeeland’.

If you are looking for a fun memento of your trip, check out our souvenir shop. We offer a wide range of train souvenirs, Zeeland souvenirs, clogs, toys and jigsaws.

The Pluimweide Park also offers a variety of fun attractions. Our Mini Train is the most popular. Children and parents can enjoy a ride on the 800-metre track through the park. Radio-controlled boats and a water spray game offer plenty of fun! You can also take a stroll around the park. Make sure you walk all the way to the back, where you will find a watchtower in a water maze.

Opening hours

The Pluimweide Park is a public park where all are welcome free of charge.

De Buffer is open on the operating days of the steam train (see the timetable), from 10.30-17.00. The mini train and the radio-controlled boats are also open on these days, weather permitting.

De Buffer is open on Saturdays and Sundays until 7pm for takeaway as well as dinner!

Entrance to De Buffer is free of charge. You will need a ticketĀ  for the Mini Train, which is available from De Buffer.

Groups can also visit outside normal opening hours by appointment, for example for coffee and cake, an extensive lunch buffet or a hot/cold buffet. Please contact us for more information.