Attractions at other stations

Hoeve van der Meulen

's-Heer Abtskerke



Weilandjes en meidoornhagen


Weilandjes en meidoornhagen


Weilandjes en meidoornhagen


Weilandjes en meidoornhagen


Attractions at other stations

Please note: only the rail car (railbus) stops at ‘s-Gravenpolder-‘s-Heer Abtskerke and Nisse stations. The steam train does not stop here.

‘s-Gravenpolder-‘s-Heer Abtskerke station

‘s-Gravenpolder station – ‘s-Heer Abtskerke station is the perfect starting point for a lovely stroll. The station is located near ‘hub’ 95 of the Zeeland walks network. See also the separate Walking & Cycling page.

The walking network offers, for example, routes on paved and unpaved paths to the Van der Meulen farm, located at hub 91.

From the farm, you can continue towards Nisse station, where you can board the railcar train again. Of course, there are other route options: the walking network offers plenty of ideas to plan your own route.

Nisse Station

Nisse Station is a textbook example of why passenger transport on this railway line was never a success in the Dutch Railways era: just like many other stations, Nisse station is located about two kilometres from the village of the same name. Understandably, the villagers preferred to travel to Goes by bus, rather than take the train. Taking the bus did not require a 30-minute walk…

Today, Nisse station is still located in the peaceful polder, but the station now offers an excellent opportunity to visit the adjacent Tractor Museum. For entrance fees and opening hours, please visit the Trekkermuseum website. 

A walk using the Zeeland walks network starting from Nisse station is also a good option. For example, you can take a brisk walk to the previously mentioned village of Nisse, which is not only known for its beautiful protected townscape, but also for its location in an area with picturesque rolling meadows with hawthorn hedges.

Nisse station is located between hubs 24 and 94 of the Zeeland walks network. See also the separate Walking & Cycling page.

Baarland station

Note: No trains will run to Baarland in 2024.

The village of the same name is around 700 metres from Baarland station. With its beautiful old houses, wide high street, 14th-century church and the foundations of Hellenburg Castle, Baarland is one of the most beautiful villages in the region.

The foundations of Hellenburg Castle can be found on Hellenburgstraat between Baarland and Oudelande, between hubs 93 and 85 of the regional walking network. Baarland station is located on Industrieweg, between hubs 63 and 93. See also the separate page Walking & Cycling.